Prof. Dejan Radenkovic

Professor of Surgery, Vice–Chief of HPB Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Prof. Radenkovic is the Head of the Ph.D. Studies in Surgery in School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. His main interest is pancreaticobiliary surgery with a research focus on clinical outcomes assessment. After he has been completed his post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Heidelberg, he introduced several new procedures in pancreatic surgery in his country.

He has leadership roles in a number of Serbian surgical associations, University committees, and regional surgical societies. He has been a founding member of the Serbian Pancreatic Club and currently serving as President of this society, a founding member of the Serbian Association for Bariatric Surgery, and serving as Vice–President and founding member of the W-E Balkan Chapter of E-AHPBA and serving as Secretary General. Dr. Radenkovic is a reviewer for over 10 surgical specialty journals, a member of the Editorial Board of Langebeck`s Archive of Surgery, a Council member of European Digestive Surgery, and a member of the Scientific Committee of E-AHPBA and Research Committee of IAHPBA.